Welcome to the new Lobel’s Culinary Club.
In the years since we launched our Web site and online butcher shop, the Lobel’s Culinary Club has become the cornerstone of our communications with our customers old and new. Our e-mails span the latest news about products and promotions to help you plan peak dining experiences for family meals, special events, and casual entertaining.
A fundamental part of the Culinary Club content comes from our unique perspective as butchers on meat handling and preparation. And while there are many recipes to share, we want to help you go beyond specific recipes to a wider world of in-depth explorations of cooking techniques. When you understand the fundamentals, you are free to invent your own culinary masterpieces.
We believe the more you know about preparing the finest meat money can buy, the more you will enjoy serving it to your family and friends.
With the launch of our expanded Culinary Club, we’ve created a living archive of knowledge that is gleaned from past e-mails and will grow with future e-mails.
Within the Culinary Club, we hope you’ll find numerous and useful resources to enhance your confidence in preparing the finest and freshest meats available, and ensure your absolute delight with the results.
For your dining pleasure,

Stanley, David, Mark, and Evan Lobel

Articles by Month:
Articles by Subject:
On January 23,2020
recipes & techniques
cooking tools
food history
Two of the most popular new appliances on the market are instant pots, otherwise known as multi-function pressure cookers, and air fryers, an appliance that uses convection cooking—rather than hot fat—to produce crispiness. In recent years, it has seemed as if instant pots and air fryers were going to slug it out as to which appliance would win the battle for limited counter space in home kitchens. Then, sous vide came into play when the technology was scaled down from large-scale, heat-and-eat product manufacturing to an appliance that fits on your countertop. Sous vide is French for "under vacuum," a warm water-bath method of cooking that offers epicureans at home a level of predictable precision like no other cooking method, producing consistent results every time.

On April 28,2019
cooking tools
Removing the baked-on crud from your grill’s cooking grate has long required something you can’t get in a bottle, can, or jar: elbow grease. But even that may be changing.

On July 1,2018
cooking tools
Every grill master, pit master, tailgater, or weekend griller has at some point said, “I wish I had a _______.” You could make a hobby out of seeking the perfect tool, utensil, or gadget that will create BBQ nirvana.
With the rise in popularity (and sales) of outdoor kitchens, plus the myriad styles of smokers and grills, there’s been a corresponding increase in the development and marketing of ancillary products—all of those tools, utensils, and gadgets that are must-haves for the complete BBQ experience of your very own.
From multi-purpose options to one-trick ponies, there’s a lot to consider. So, before purchasing, ask yourself: “How often will I use this?”
If “frequently” is the answer, it’s probably a good addition to your BBQing arsenal. If the answer is “once a year,” there’s probably a multi-purpose item that has that function covered.
 Photo courtesy of Weber, www.weber.com
On June 11,2018
cooking tools
Roasting large cuts of meat or whole poultry on a charcoal or gas grill can be intimidating for less-experienced outdoor cooks.
However, the flavor and aroma of a beef roast, leg of lamb, pork loin, whole chicken, or whole turkey cooked with flame and smoke are incomparable and add new sensory dimensions that oven roasting simply cannot deliver.
Trying to manipulate a 14-pound rib roast or a whole turkey with tongs or gloved hands can be awkward, messy, and can lead to catastrophic results.
So, for those who want to venture beyond your comfort zone of burgers, hot dogs, and steaks, there are a couple tools that can open up a new panorama of tasting adventures created by you and your grill.

On July 31,2017
valentine's day
cooking tools
The wedding bells are ringing. Your foodie friends are tying the knot and we know the perfect gifts. Surprise them with an unexpected gift that will tantalize their taste buds and send them off into delicious wedded bliss.
Rather than relying on a registry, check out our list of decadent non-traditional wedding gifts and anniversary presents for all of the gourmands on your gift list.

On January 19,2017
cooking tools
Cast-iron cookware has been around for more than 2,000 years. In ages gone by, the hearth was the center of every household for warmth and preparing meals. And with every hearth, there was a cast-iron cauldron, or Dutch oven, that handled most of the cooking chores of the day.

On July 4,2016
cooking tools
No matter what you grill, barbecue, or smoke, pure, clean flavors should be your ultimate goal. And when you are using a charcoal-style grill, your choice of fuel has a dramatic impact on your flavor outcome.

On June 1,2016
cooking tools
Removing the baked-on crud from your grill’s cooking grate has long required something you can’t get in a bottle, can, or jar: elbow grease.
But even that may be changing.

On April 5,2016
cooking tools
Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran griller, our blog is chock full of useful grilling info and tips. From basics about tools and grill setup to recipes, videos, and more, we pride ourselves on not only providing the finest and freshest meats, but also on educating our customers on the best ways to prepare them.
So as springtime blossoms here in New York, we uncover and dust off our grills and get ready for some tasty meals in the months to come.
We hope you’ll come on this grilling journey with us. We’ve rounded up an A to Z guide to grilling so that you can learn some techniques, brush up on your skills, or find something new to try. Let’s go!

On April 9,2015
cooking tools
A digital instant-read thermometer is the quickest and most accurate way to know the internal temperature of whatever you are cooking. And measuring the internal temperature is the most accurate way to know how “done” your food is.