Welcome to the new Lobel’s Culinary Club.
In the years since we launched our Web site and online butcher shop, the Lobel’s Culinary Club has become the cornerstone of our communications with our customers old and new. Our e-mails span the latest news about products and promotions to help you plan peak dining experiences for family meals, special events, and casual entertaining.
A fundamental part of the Culinary Club content comes from our unique perspective as butchers on meat handling and preparation. And while there are many recipes to share, we want to help you go beyond specific recipes to a wider world of in-depth explorations of cooking techniques. When you understand the fundamentals, you are free to invent your own culinary masterpieces.
We believe the more you know about preparing the finest meat money can buy, the more you will enjoy serving it to your family and friends.
With the launch of our expanded Culinary Club, we’ve created a living archive of knowledge that is gleaned from past e-mails and will grow with future e-mails.
Within the Culinary Club, we hope you’ll find numerous and useful resources to enhance your confidence in preparing the finest and freshest meats available, and ensure your absolute delight with the results.
For your dining pleasure,

Stanley, David, Mark, and Evan Lobel

Articles by Month:
Articles by Subject:
On May 26,2016
new products
food pairings
Unlike many jerky products that are dry, dense, and tough to chew, Lobel’s Smoked Steak Strips are tender and moist with abundant flavor. Each of our four varieties is made with lean top-round steak that is infused with hickory-wood smokiness.
Since Lobel’s Smoked Steak Strips are a high-protein, low-fat, and low-carb snack, they are ideal for active people with busy lifestyles. For hikers, bikers, and sports enthusiasts, whether you are player or spectator, our steak strips are lightweight and easy to carry whenever you need a savory shot of energy that tastes great.
Plus they are versatile add-ins to myriad recipes. Think jerky is a one-trick pony? Think again. Check out these 7 uses for Lobel’s Smoked Steak Strips.

On February 3,2016
new products
Prime rib isn’t just for holidays and Sunday suppers anymore! We’ve taken what our customers love about prime rib—the juiciness and the bold, beefy flavor—and incorporated it into a burger.

On July 28,2015
175th anniversary
lobel's prime meats in manhattan
new products
This year, in celebration of our 175th anniversary, we’ve expanded our product offerings with the introduction of a new line of four all-natural, preservative-free seasonings and sauces for meats. The new products include Lobel’s BBQ Sauce, Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning, Lobel’s Steak Sauce, and Lobel’s New York Marinade.

We’re shining a spotlight this month on Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning.
On June 30,2015
175th anniversary
lobel's prime meats in manhattan
new products
This year, in celebration of our 175th anniversary, we’ve expanded our product offerings with the introduction of a new line of four all-natural, preservative-free seasonings and sauces for meats. The new products include Lobel’s BBQ Sauce, Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning, Lobel’s Steak Sauce, and Lobel’s New York Marinade.

We’re shining a spotlight this month on Lobel’s Steak Sauce.
On May 26,2015
175th anniversary
lobel's prime meats in manhattan
new products
This year, in celebration of our 175th anniversary, we’ve expanded our product offerings with the introduction of a new line of four all-natural, preservative-free seasonings and sauces for meats. The new products include Lobel’s BBQ Sauce, Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning, Lobel’s Steak Sauce, and Lobel’s New York Marinade.

We’re shining a spotlight this month on Lobel’s New York Marinade. Just as the Big Apple is a melting pot of cross-cultural influences, Lobel’s New York Marinade is a cornucopia of subtleties and influences.
On May 6,2015
175th anniversary
new products
recipes & techniques
This year, in celebration of our 175th anniversary, we’ve expanded our product offerings with the introduction of a new line of four all-natural, preservative-free seasonings and sauces for meats. The new products include Lobel’s BBQ Sauce, Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning, Lobel’s Steak Sauce, and Lobel’s New York Marinade.

We’re shining a spotlight this month on Lobel’s BBQ Sauce. It’s a savory, not-too-sweet, tomato-based barbecue sauce for grilled, smoked and oven-roasted meats. Packaged in a classic 19.5-ounce bottle, Lobel’s BBQ Sauce is ideal for chicken, spare ribs, brisket, and other meats, and it can be used as a final glaze or as a dipping sauce.
On August 28,2014
cut of the month
new products
recipes & techniques
The Lobel family of Lobel’s Prime Meats in Manhattan and Lobel’s of New York online butcher shop are fourth- and fifth-generation butchers. With our Cut of the Month series, we will bring you their wealth of knowledge and expertise on specific cuts of meat, including their unique characteristics, preparation methods, and how to select the best cut.
Pork is a sweet, tender meat that has been eaten for more than 9,000 years. Hogs were domesticated long before sheep, goats, or cattle and so it is no small wonder that pork figures so prominently in most of the world’s great cuisines. In this country, we eat pork chops and pork tenderloin in larger quantities than other cuts of pork from the butcher shop.
This month’s Cut of the Month is a specific type of one of those American favorites: the boneless loin chop.

On August 20,2014
new products
social media

You probably already know that fresh–never frozen–meats from Lobel’s of New York are always shipped by FedEx Overnight service.
On October 27,2013
new products
Pork belly has been making a bigger blip on the culinary radar in recent months. It’s on menus, in magazine recipes, cooking shows, YouTube videos. The ideas abound. In fact, pork belly is the #1 most-requested product from Lobel’s of New York customers and site visitors.
So, we are very pleased to introduce Lobel’s Berkshire Pork Belly, available in frozen 2-pound slabs.
Given the wild popularity, nay, obsession, fascination, and hype about everything that fuels our craving for bacon, is it any wonder that curious epicureans have discovered, or rediscovered, the joys of fresh pork belly.
After all, bacon is simply pork belly that has been cured and/or smoked.
