Welcome to the new Lobel’s Culinary Club.
In the years since we launched our Web site and online butcher shop, the Lobel’s Culinary Club has become the cornerstone of our communications with our customers old and new. Our e-mails span the latest news about products and promotions to help you plan peak dining experiences for family meals, special events, and casual entertaining.
A fundamental part of the Culinary Club content comes from our unique perspective as butchers on meat handling and preparation. And while there are many recipes to share, we want to help you go beyond specific recipes to a wider world of in-depth explorations of cooking techniques. When you understand the fundamentals, you are free to invent your own culinary masterpieces.
We believe the more you know about preparing the finest meat money can buy, the more you will enjoy serving it to your family and friends.
With the launch of our expanded Culinary Club, we’ve created a living archive of knowledge that is gleaned from past e-mails and will grow with future e-mails.
Within the Culinary Club, we hope you’ll find numerous and useful resources to enhance your confidence in preparing the finest and freshest meats available, and ensure your absolute delight with the results.
For your dining pleasure,

Stanley, David, Mark, and Evan Lobel

Articles by Month:
Articles by Subject:
On December 14,2014
guide to meat
Making a turducken is a labor-intensive, and—many would say—an advanced culinary technique.
So for those who want to satisfy their idle curiosity, here’s how a turducken is put together. For intrepid culinary explorers, a DIY turducken is an epicurean adventure and challenge on the scale of making Peking duck in a home kitchen.

On November 2,2014
ask the butcher
Planning the perfect Thanksgiving menu can sometimes be difficult—there are just so many options from which to choose. With all of the delicious Thanksgiving dishes out there, we asked the Lobels to share what they most look forward to enjoying this Thanksgiving.

On October 29,2014
Traditions abound at Thanksgiving—and each family has its own. For some, Thanksgiving dinner isn’t complete without grandma’s secret gravy recipe. For others, it’s the green bean casserole or the pecan pie. For others, it’s the tradition of Dad carving the turkey at the head of the table, or all the children reciting the things for which they are thankful.
But one thing is certain—nearly every Thanksgiving dinner centers around a big, juicy, golden brown, roasted-to-perfection turkey. That’s why we’ve put together this A to Z guide of how to select, prepare, and serve your Thanksgiving turkey.
This year, let us help you treat your family to the juiciest, freshest, most natural and wholesome turkey available anywhere—a fresh All-Natural Thanksgiving Turkey from Lobel’s of New York.
It’ll truly be your most memorable Thanksgiving yet.
On October 28,2014
recipes & techniques
Let us take you for a moment to your kitchen on Thanksgiving morning. Picture it: You’re busy in the kitchen. The menu is set and preparations are underway: turkey, potatoes, stuffing, vegetables… you’re peeling, seasoning, mixing, measuring… and in the midst of all this, your family sits down to a hearty breakfast of eggs, potatoes, bacon, and French toast. It fuels you up and powers you through the morning so that you can get the holiday dinner on the table in spectacular fashion and with a smile on your face.
Sound impossible? It’s not!
With just a little bit of pre-planning, you can have a delicious breakfast that will tide your family over as they wait for the main event. These make-ahead dishes are assembled the night before. One goes in the slow-cooker overnight, while the other gets popped in the oven first thing in the morning. Just add juice and coffee, and you’ll get Thanksgiving Day off to a great start!
On October 23,2014
ask the butcher
recipes & techniques
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it’s time to get prepared for the long-awaited day. We have all five of our Thanksgiving videos together in one convenient spot to get you ready for Thanksgiving dinner! Whether you want to know how to use a compound butter under the skin for a moist turkey, how to season the bird for better flavor throughout, how to roast the best Thanksgiving turkey, or even how to carve the meat for your guests, we’ve got videos for that!
On November 17,2013
in the kitchen with lobel's
recipes & techniques
Freshly made cranberry sauce to complement your Thanksgiving turkey is the best! Making a delicious cranberry sauce is very simple—and it’s even easy to put your own personal touch on it with additional ingredients and flavors. Watch as we show you how to make a simple fresh cranberry sauce with cinnamon and orange.
On November 14,2013
When it comes to dessert on Thanksgiving Day, everyone has his or her favorite type of pie. You start eying the sweet treats before dinner and strategize which flavor (or flavors!) you will save room for.
And while less traditional pies such as chocolate, coconut cream, blueberry, raspberry, and lemon chiffon—even cheesecake and crostada—are enjoyed on Thanksgiving, four traditional standards still take center-stage when it comes to Thanksgiving desserts: pumpkin, apple, mincemeat, and pecan.

On November 14,2013
culinary classics
Mashed potatoes are just fine when simply and classically prepared for the purists among us. However, you can take them off the chart by combining them with some tempting add-ins and just a tad more effort.

On November 12,2013
recipes & techniques
Nowadays, you can cook a turkey just about any way you want. We have the technology and equipment readily at our disposal, from traditional roasting—radiant or convection—to smoking, deep-frying, and even boiling.
But, if your goal is to bathe just about everything on your Thanksgiving dinner plate with a silky rich, light-brown layer of homemade turkey gravy, then you need to narrow your choices and follow tradition: oven-roast the turkey. As a side benefit, your home will fill with the signature aromas of our annual Thanksgiving traditions.
Roasting—particularly roasting a stuffed turkey—melds the varying flavor components of seasonings on and within the turkey and captures them for transformation into the nectar of Thanksgiving dinner.
On November 1,2012
ask the butcher
In many American families, Thanksgiving is the biggest and grandest meal of the year. Traditions abound, from what is served and what dishes are used to who sits where during the meal. Over the years, we’ve offered our customers a lot of advice about Thanksgiving dinner preparation. So here is a round-up of past posts for your Thanksgiving-dinner-cooking convenience!
