Welcome to the new Lobel’s Culinary Club.
In the years since we launched our Web site and online butcher shop, the Lobel’s Culinary Club has become the cornerstone of our communications with our customers old and new. Our e-mails span the latest news about products and promotions to help you plan peak dining experiences for family meals, special events, and casual entertaining.
A fundamental part of the Culinary Club content comes from our unique perspective as butchers on meat handling and preparation. And while there are many recipes to share, we want to help you go beyond specific recipes to a wider world of in-depth explorations of cooking techniques. When you understand the fundamentals, you are free to invent your own culinary masterpieces.
We believe the more you know about preparing the finest meat money can buy, the more you will enjoy serving it to your family and friends.
With the launch of our expanded Culinary Club, we’ve created a living archive of knowledge that is gleaned from past e-mails and will grow with future e-mails.
Within the Culinary Club, we hope you’ll find numerous and useful resources to enhance your confidence in preparing the finest and freshest meats available, and ensure your absolute delight with the results.
For your dining pleasure,

Stanley, David, Mark, and Evan Lobel

Articles by Month:
Articles by Subject:
On August 28,2014
recipes & techniques
This time of the year often brings about a few challenges. The autumn weather is fast approaching, but you still have the desire to fire up the grill.
The days are slowly but surely getting shorter. Plus, back-to-school and busy schedules make for less time to prep and cook meals. Even so, you still want to enjoy a nice hearty dinner. To help, we’ve compiled three recipes for hearty meals you might not have known you could prepare on the grill.
These meals are perfect to ease your transition into fall!

On November 12,2013
recipes & techniques
Nowadays, you can cook a turkey just about any way you want. We have the technology and equipment readily at our disposal, from traditional roasting—radiant or convection—to smoking, deep-frying, and even boiling.
But, if your goal is to bathe just about everything on your Thanksgiving dinner plate with a silky rich, light-brown layer of homemade turkey gravy, then you need to narrow your choices and follow tradition: oven-roast the turkey. As a side benefit, your home will fill with the signature aromas of our annual Thanksgiving traditions.
Roasting—particularly roasting a stuffed turkey—melds the varying flavor components of seasonings on and within the turkey and captures them for transformation into the nectar of Thanksgiving dinner.
On October 13,2013
ask the butcher
The fall season is upon us! The weather is getting colder and sunsets are getting earlier. The days and nights are perfect for cozying up with a hot meal and a comfy blanket!
We’ve asked the Lobel family what their favorite fall ingredients are for cooking at home.

On October 10,2013
food pairings
It’s National Pork Month. It’s also October, and in our kitchens that means lots of delicious roast meats paired with the delicious seasonal produce and aromatic herbs and spices. One of the best ways to combine these favorite fall flavors is by pairing your favorite pork roast with a delightful chutney.
Chutney is a savory condiment often served as an accompaniment to meat. It includes fruit and/or vegetables that are cooked in vinegar with spices and sugar. Chutneys can be pureed to a pulpy consistency or they can be chunky with discernible pieces of the ingredients.

On September 11,2013
recipes & techniques
A really great sauce, stew, or soup takes some time to develop. Think of your favorite spaghetti sauce over a low-and-slow, steady simmer for hours upon hours. On the other hand, a rolling boil on high heat achieves the same objective in a matter of minutes when making a quick stove-top sauce.
Either way, the goal is evaporation. Getting rid of excess water naturally concentrates flavors lending depth and complexity, the foundations of a peak taste experience.
When it comes to beef, evaporation plays a crucial role in the dry-aging process. Over the course of the 6 weeks or so that Lobel’s dry ages its USDA Prime, Natural Prime, and Wagyu Beef, the meat loses about 30% of its weight through water evaporation. During this time, the size of the piece of meat physically shrinks and the flavor of the beef concentrates into the buttery, nutty flavor that is the hallmark of Lobel’s dry-aged beef.
Similarly when you let a big pot of sauce, stock, or soup steam away, you’ll notice that, over time, the volume of liquid shrinks and the surface level gets lower and lower in the pot.
On October 9,2012
social media
Whether you’re hosting a Halloween get-together or looking to feed your family with festive fun finger-foods before they head out for a night of tricks and treats, check out our new board on Pinterest for some inspiration!
On September 9,2012
recipes & techniques
social media
The autumnal equinox is nearly upon us, and that means it’s time for hearty, delicious meals that stick to your ribs and warm you to your toes! We’ve got our minds on fall food favorites, so we created a board on Pinterest all about Comfort Food for Fall.
On October 10,2011
recipes & techniques
recipes & techniques
As summer fades into autumn, our focus on meal planning begins its own transition. It's that time of year when we're reluctant to give up our grilling tongs and wood chips, yet our thoughts turn to the seasonal harvest and our appetites build for meals offering comfort and warmth.
So, take advantage of any good weather the season offers. However, it’s a good idea to build menus around dishes that can be prepared outdoors or indoors if a change in the weather requires a change in your cooking and entertaining game plan.
On October 10,2011
recipes & techniques
With the wide availability of fruits and vegetables from all over the world all year ’round, one could lose touch with the seasonality of our produce.
This time of year—from Labor Day until the snow starts to fly—offers a unique opportunity to combine the last of the late-summer harvest vegetables with early autumn varieties.
Local farmers’ markets and roadside stands are the bellwether of seasonal foods. Flavored by the summer sun, tomatoes, corn, peppers, and other treasures have dwindling availability. In growing numbers, earthy cabbages, apples, mushrooms, squashes, and root vegetables are making an appearance.
And in autumn, our methods of cooking change as well. The segue begins: from grilling and dining al fresco to gathering around the hearth for the comfort of braises, stews, and roasts.
On September 29,2011
recipes & techniques
Whether you’re preparing for a houseful of costume-clad adults or making sure your youngsters head out for trick or treating with full tummies, a Halloween party or fall family dinner can become any kind of affair you like. Quick-serve dishes or hearty comfort food will fit the bill every time. And even though it’s Halloween, we demystify the scariest of culinary tasks for you with our expert tips and techniques.