David Lobel's Grilled Bacon and Onion Potato Salad

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David Lobel loves Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning so much he’s using it in all of his go-to recipes. He substituted an equal amount of savory seasoning for the dry spices and herbs in his signature potato salad recipe. But this isn’t just any potato salad–it includes grilled bacon and onions!

Cooking Method:
Grilling Grilling
Prep Time :
1 hr 30 min
Servings :
12 - 15
  • Ingredients
  • Buy ingredients available from Lobel's


    Preheat grill to medium heat.
    Grill the bacon and onion slices until the bacon are very crispy and the onion slices are tender. About 4-6 minutes per side.
    Lightly coat the potatoes with olive oil, salt, and freshly ground pepper. Wrap loosely in aluminum foil and place on grill for about 15 minutes, turning over once about halfway through.
    Remove bacon, onions, and potatoes from the grill and let cool completely.
    Dice the bacon and onions into small pieces and combine with potatoes in a large bowl.
    In a separate bowl, mix together Lobel’s All-Purpose Savory Seasoning, salt, and pepper.
    Combine the spice mixture with bacon, potatoes, and onions, then stir in the mustard and mayonnaise.
    Refrigerate one hour before serving.